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  • Writer's pictureHien Thuy Do

A Sequence of Primitives

Updated: Aug 20, 2020

Final GIF

Statement of intent

For the first assignment of Design 240, I am required to choose a sole statistic in the UN Sustainable development goals and then convey this data through a sequence of images using strictly simple geometrics. Due to my great care for life underwater, the data I end up picking is “Oceans absorb about 30 percent of carbon dioxide produced by humans.” Simple, straight moving lines are used to represent a calm, peaceful ocean in my final product. I also chose the background to be white so that the contrast between pure, clean nature and the pollution produced by humans can be brought up to its finest. As for the signifier of 30% of carbon dioxide, I decided to gradually increase the size of the circle representing carbon dioxide to make it equal to 3 circles out of ten and when the size triples the original, it starts falling rapidly into the ocean. I find this idea less literal than actually having 10 circles to express the statistic and at the same time, it makes the threat of carbon dioxide all the more significant.

Process Photos (Sketches)

All the ideas above I have abandoned due to several reasons. They didn't work because they are either too complex or literal. Since we are meant to work through an abstract lense, after contemplating my thoughts, I have come up with the final ideation.

Code Snippet

Processing 3

int counter=0;
int pointb=150;
int pointa=-100;
int pointc=200;
int pointd=750;
int pointe=-800;
int pointf=0;
int pointg=-400;
int pointh=250;
int pointu=400;
int pointj=900;
int pointk=-800;
int pointl=700;
int pointm=800;
int pointn=1000;
int circlefloat=85;
int circlex = 86;
int circley = 76;

void setup() {
  size(1000, 1000);
void draw() {
  circle(circlex, circley, circlefloat);
  line(0, 650, 1000, 650);
  line(pointa, 750, pointb, 750);
  line(pointc, 750, pointd, 750);
  line(pointe, 750, pointf, 750);
  line(800, 750, 1000, 750);
  line(pointg, 850, pointh, 850);
  line(pointu, 850, pointj, 850);
  line(pointk, 950, pointl, 950);
  line(pointm, 950, pointn, 950);

void keyPressed() {
  pointa=pointa + 70;
  pointb=pointb + 70;
  pointc=pointc + 50;
  pointd=pointd + 50;
  pointe=pointe + 50;
  pointf=pointf + 50;
  pointg=pointg + 50;
  pointh=pointh + 50;
  pointu=pointu + 50;
  pointj=pointj + 50;
  pointk=pointk + 50;
  pointl=pointl + 50;
  pointm=pointm + 50;
  pointn=pointn + 50;
void mousePressed() {
  circlefloat = circlefloat + 85;
  circlex = circlex + 86;
  circley = circley + 76;

  if (circlefloat < 340) {
  } else {
    circley = circley + 255;

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