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  • Writer's pictureHien Thuy Do

Looped States

Final GIF

Statement of intent

For the second assignment of Design 240, my task is to research the reasons behind my chosen statistic: “Oceans absorb about 30 percent of carbon dioxide produced by humans”, and create an animation using Processing to further demonstrate the causes. My findings after research show that the main cause leading to the ocean absorbing more carbon dioxide is the significant increase of land-use, due to civilization, as well as overpopulation. Land is now being used for construction of residences, high towers, and more of the sort. In my product, I tried to represent this by using three main types of buldings; typical, affordable houses, expensive mansions, and high buildings used for either offices, or entertainment purposes. The water drops changing to gray signify the ocean's huge absorption of carbon dioxide due to the increase of these human activities. Additionally, I chose the background colour to be a dark, gloomy shade, so as to put more emphasis on the issue and hence, make the message "HELP" stand out.

Process Photos (Sketches)

In this sketch, I used the mushroom as a metaphor for houses due to their significantly quick growth. At one scene, the car appears as a signifier for human presence. However, I soon realized it is quite hard for audience to follow what is happening in the scenes, so I did not continue with this idea.

This idea that I decided to go with is much more comprehensible as it directly emphasizes overpopulation through the use of housing. Additionally, the assignment's requirement is a looped state and because the scenes in this particular sketch do not change much, I find this idea more simple to develop.

Code Snippet

Processing 3

int counter = 0;
int pointa = 750;
int pointb = 750;
int pointc = 200;
int pointd = 200;
int pointe = 400;
int pointf = 400;
int pointg = 500;
int pointh = 500;

PImage background;
PImage houses;
PImage water_1;
PImage water2;
PImage water3;

void setup(){
  size(1000, 1000);
  background = loadImage("background.png");
  houses = loadImage("houses.png");
  water_1 = loadImage("water_1.png");
  water2 = loadImage("water2.png");
  water3 = loadImage("water3.png");

void draw(){
  image(background, 1000, 1000);
  image(houses, 600, 600, pointa, pointb);
  image(water_1, 100, 100, pointc, pointd);
  image(water2, 200, 200, pointe, pointf);
  image(water3, 330, 330, pointg, pointh);
 void keyPressed(){
  pointa = pointa + 50;
  pointb = pointb + 50;
  pointc = pointc + 50;
  pointd = pointd + 50;
  pointe = pointe + 50;
  pointf = pointf + 50;
  pointg = pointg + 50;
  pointh = pointh + 50;
  void mousePressed(){
   pointa = pointa - 50;
   pointb = pointb - 50;
   pointc = pointc - 50;
   pointd = pointd - 50;
   pointe = pointe - 50;
   pointf = pointf - 50;
   pointg = pointg - 50;
   pointh = pointh - 50;

int counter = 0;
int pointa = 750;
int pointb = 750;
int pointc = 200;
int pointd = 200;
int pointe = 400;
int pointf = 400;
int pointg = 500;
int pointh = 500;

PImage background;
PImage houses;
PImage water_1;
PImage water2;
PImage water3;

void setup(){
  size(1000, 1000);
  background = loadImage("background.png");
  houses = loadImage("houses.png");
  water_1 = loadImage("water_1.png");
  water2 = loadImage("water2.png");
  water3 = loadImage("water3.png");

void draw(){
  image(background, 1000, 1000);
  image(houses, 600, 600, pointa, pointb);
  image(water_1, 100, 100, pointc, pointd);
  image(water2, 200, 200, pointe, pointf);
  image(water3, 330, 330, pointg, pointh);
  if (counter == 20){
  pointa = pointa + 50;
  pointb = pointb + 50;
  pointc = pointc + 50;
  pointd = pointd + 50;
  pointe = pointe + 50;
  pointf = pointf + 50;
  pointg = pointg + 50;
  pointh = pointh + 50;
  } else if (counter == 23){
  pointa = pointa - 50;
  pointb = pointb - 50;
  pointc = pointc - 50;
  pointd = pointd - 50;
  pointe = pointe - 50;
  pointf = pointf - 50;
  pointg = pointg - 50;
  pointh = pointh - 50;
  if (counter < 30) {
  } else {
    counter = 0;

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